Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Just A Quick Hello

I just wanted to write a little hello and an early happy summer to everyone. I've been a regular contributor to a blog called Car and Caboodle, and wanted to share in case you wanted to read about my inane ramblings. It is a blog dedicated to family travel and family life in your car. If you are a parent, and anything like me, you spend a lot of time in your car with your kids. Writing for the blog is a fun little hobby, and I'm really loving it. I know you are thinking I don't need yet another thing to do, but I enjoy writing so I'll do it for now.

As for the family: Jonah is finishing his first year of school and will be entering pre-K next year. He has grown so much this last year and really loves going to school. He's going to do camp at his school all summer, so he'll pretty much be at the Westside JCC all year round. He is starting to read and is driving us batty asking us what every word is and how to sound it out. It's actually great. Over the holidays I bought him days of the week underwear. He loved asking me EVERY day what day it was, based on his underwear of course. It's actually a good thing because he knows his days of the week now, and what order they are. Recenty, I had to buy him the next size up. The old ones had different vehicles, but the new ones have different dogs. The first day he wore them to school he came home and told me that he showed Noa the dogs on his underwear. I thought great Jonah's going to school flashing his underwear to little girls, what do they think of me now? Thankfully, it was a one time thing. Once June hit he started asking me when his birthday is, he makes me tell him how many days away it is from today. For the record today it is 21 days away. LOL! (Yes, I have updated his list so you can go on the blog and there is a link to it if you need gift ideas.)

Eli is talking up a storm. Understanding what he's saying is a whole other issue, but it's adorable anyhow. He continues to win over anyone who meets him with his smile. Yesterday, I took the boys to my Weight Watchers meeting and one of my friends there got a kick out of asking Eli how old he is. It was hysterical. She'd ask and he'd say "I TWO," very emphatically. His new thing is to pretend his name isn't Eli. You'll ask him "are you Eli?" "No I uh uh uh Nonah." Then he laughs hysterically. Now you know why I call him silly monkey, he's such a goofball. He's going to be starting at the JCC in September in the 2.5 year old class. He cannot wait to go to "Nonah's Cool". Sometimes I pick him up before Jonah and take him w/me to pick him up. He is so excited just to go to the school. He's pretty much got his ABC's down. What's funny is that wherever we go he sees letters and if there is a "T", then he says "T a Tata". I guess you know that Tata (my dad) must be pretty important, if that's the only letter he actually associates with a word.

Rob's very excited because tomorrow he's going to the Dodgers v Cubs game. The funny thing is that my uncle (Nate) is going with him. Nate is a huge Dodger fan. They will go there in their individual team garb, sit next to each other, and root for the opposite team. I think it's hysterical and endearing all at the same time. Thank g-d there's someone else in this family who understand Rob's love for sports. Yes, I actually hear the Sportscenter jingle in my head, even when I'm not in front of the TV. If you or your significant other watches it you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

Well, I've decided to start blogging more often about my ramblings. So if you are on the e-mail list and would prefer not to get every message I post, please e-mail me and I'll remove you from the list that sends you the posts.

I hope that everyone is well, and we send our love to all of you far and wide.

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