Today I had the results from a test that is known as the 1st Trimester Screening. They measure the nucheal area. Plus I had blood work done 2 weeks ago to test for Down's Syndrome. Everything is great and healthy as can be. We will have the normal ultrasound in about 6 weeks to let us know what the baby is. THINK PINK! Now for more good news: The tech who did the ultrasound today said that if he had to guess he'd say we're having a girl. It is too early to really see that area, so we put it at an 80% chance of pink in our future.
How are the boys doing with this? Well, they are just wonderful. Jonah is SO excited. He only wants a baby sister and he wants her to be named Lola. If you know the show Charlie & Lola on Playhouse Disney then you'll know why he wants a sister named Lola. Eli likes to lift my shirt and say hello to the baby and he keeps asking me to bring it out so he can see it. Jonah has told everyone at preschool that his mommy is sick. Eli has told everyone at daycare that daddy cleans the house and mommy sleeps.
I'm not doing so hot and have been missing quite a bit of work. I'm not having morning sickness, I just have extreme fatigue. I have no energy and basically go to work and then go to bed. Rob has been absolutely amazing. Our house may look like a hurricane hit it and we're eating a lot more take out, but he is always so upbeat. He's been just wonderful, and I'm a VERY lucky woman.
Now I must apologize to many people. I missed a few birthdays in the last few weeks and I really am so sorry. By the time I realized what day it was it was past the date of your special day. Please know that if I had been feeling better I would've been better at acknowledging your birthdays. I love you and hope you all had special days.
We'll keep you all updated as this baby grows. Keep thinking girly thoughts for us. We love you all.