Hey Family & Friends,
After all of this time we've found we just don't keep you up-to-date enough. So, here I am starting our own family blog.
Here's what's new at home:
Candice: Heading into my 30th week of pregnancy and just hoping I'll survive this pregnancy. I'm having a lot of aches and pains, but overall it's been pretty normal. I'm starting to get really tired again and holding Jonah is getting more difficult everyday. How do you say no to the most adorable boy in town? So, I hold him and suffer. Isn't that what Mommies do?
Robert: Still looking for a job, but had two good prospects last week. Cross your fingers. Meantime he's the "daddy nanny" or "daddy day care". Jonah's home with daddy for now and having a ball pushing the limits of daddy's patience.
Sascha: As sweet and loving as ever. She started bringing Jonah her toys so that they can play together. It's so cute how much she loves him
Jonah: He started his walking on Tuesday. He's still crawling as his main mode of transport, but quite honestly we're in deep doo-doo over at our place. In day care he was learning with the big kids whenever it was "flash card time". So what does that mean? Well, Jonah can count to 10. Now I should say that some numbers are not in real English only jibberish, he doesn't do all of the numbers and he doesn't always do them in order. But we can definitely tell that they are numbers. It's super cute, and he repeats them over and over and over...His ability to say a new word a day is constantly amazing us. He has signed "more" and "eat", but we're working on others to help his communication.
Picture was taken with Jonah wearing his Tata's shoes.