Jonah's ability to sign is getting better everyday. He signs bird all of the time while saying "tweet tweet". It is so cute. Yesterday while outside he heard the birds in the trees and turned to Rob and signed bird while saying "tweet tweet". Everytime he does it we just want to eat him up.
To say he gets into everything is quite the understatement. He loves to help daddy do the dishes. So much so, that we need to block the kitchen off when the dishwasher is open. I think he really just wants to help clean up.
On Wednesday, Tata (Isaac) came over for dinner and brought us chili burgers from Tommy's. Well, Jonah didn't like his dinner of a turkey dog. I dipped his pieces in chili and low and behold he was super happy with his dinner. Jonah liked his fries plain, but his hot dog with chili.
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